Subject: Four companions. So be it: you shall be the fellowship of the vote!
Posted on: 2023-11-21 05:39:46 UTC

Yes, she is indeed being sent off on a mission of some sort. How it shakes out... you'll just have to see :P I do like that people like her a lot more in comparison to canon Snape--I intended for her to stay mostly true to the character's roots (misanthropic, authoritarian teacher) with a bit more sympathy and past character growth (since Snape was very much frozen as the victim of the Marauders and he took that out on Harry). That being said, she and Harry's relationship will definitely get more complicated as we get into the later years of the story.

Harry, as frame narrator, isn't really bound to pay attention to his mum's love life, but yes, there was rapprochement between Lily and Sev during his childhood, and a sense of... a second chance, really. There was a hint of it at the end of 2nd year when Lily mentioned sharing a bed with Sev, but it's very much a blink-and-you'll-miss-it hint.

Marlene McKinnon will be showing up in year 5!

Yes, year 4 was about unity! And I'm in the middle of year 5, and year 5 is about division. So you'd be right about how the Order meetings are going to go...

Thank you for reading!

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