Subject: re: 5.5 Harry Potter and the Potions So Easy a Muggle Could . . . Wait, Could They?
Posted on: 2024-01-18 14:25:24 UTC

Ah. Thank you for having Hermione pronounce Love’s name phonetically, because I was definitely reading it as “luv” last school year. Now, it took me a very long time to identify this joke, but I think I’ve identified it correctly, and I hope I’m right, because it’s making me feel very smart, so here’s my question: Is ASKE “IKEA but for potions”? Is that the joke? Because they’re both from Sweden, and they have packaged products that have to be combined at home by following instructions to produce the final form, and they’re both four-letter words with all capital letters? Is that the joke? Am I right? I bet I’m right. I’m so smart.

It's one thing for me to know, on an academic level, that this culture places value on women’s hair, and that there is a legitimate practical reason behind that, because of the actual magic stored in hair. (Though side note, I’m expecting that to be debunked as a superstitious pseudoscience (pseudosorcery?) by the end of year 7.) But I keep forgetting how that also leads to what basically amounts to a common hair fetish, and every time your story reminds me of that fact, it absolutely destroys me right here at my keyboard, because it so stupid and funny. “Oh no, the twins are handing Ron a nudie mag in public, gross, and on the cover is going to be a partially clothed witch in a certain sort of pose and nope it’s a hairbrush she is brushing her hair on the cover of this magazine and that’s considered lewd in this culture, this is an adult magazine that entices readership with a hairbrush." I cannot survive many more of these moments, Lily! You are going to slay me yet! Oh, I’m also absolutely headcanoning that the mag went home with Ginny rather than Ron, because she was clearly less embarrassed about it, and Ron wouldn’t have tried to take it back with Hermione right there anyway.

Poor Harry; he’s deep enough in the timeline that he knows something is going to happen again this year. Main Character Syndrome (sympathetic)

—doctorlit is as disappointed by the short reading list as Hermione, but then again, it’s always textbooks and no novels at Hogwarts, huh? That was doctorlit’s favorite part of the book lists, getting to see what new stories he would be “forced” to read . . .

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