Subject: re: 5.6 Harry Potter and the Recurring Antagonists
Posted on: 2024-01-27 14:33:18 UTC

Hey, look at us, all rebellious on the second page!

Luna is just the best, and she’s going full, absolute Luna today, just ripping her society’s entire economic and education systems apart. (And not just her society’s!) Yes, Luna, save your generation’s working class from exploitation and serfdom! It’s too late for my timeline, but not for yours!

Ugggggggggh Umbridge. Is here. Yup. At least she’s not an actual professor this year, since Defense and Etiquette are already accounted for. Still, I’m filled with existential dread to learn what horrible abuses and social controls she’s ready to impose over everyone present this year.

They’re . . . they’re . . . Draco’s parents are making him marry Astoria? When Daphne is already Draco’s age in the first place? And also isn’t a criminal who attacked Draco? Like, I get that Astoria was Draco’s canon wife, but this timeline is so different . . . Draco’s parents aren’t exactly parenting goals, but I would have expected even them to go to bat for Draco to at least not spend his life with someone who attacked him! Someone he’s reminded of when Dementors are around! (Though I do wonder if the Greengrass parents are pushing desperately for Astoria to marry as early as possible, knowing that the blood curse is going to end her life early. (Assuming it’s roughly the same as the curse from canon?))

“You can bring me your precious High Lord Slytherin’s head, Astoria, and then I’ll consider forgiving you.”
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha! Ha . . . But imagine if she did it though? Like, she’s soooo brainwashed into the Mother Magic stuff being real, what if she actually believes that the only way to be forgiven by Harry is to behead Gaunt? And she was already capable of overpowering adult wizards at age 11! What if actually she did it though? (I know I’m being overly silly here, but it’s funny to think about.)

—doctorlit wonders what happens if Gaunt wins the election but is unable to fill the seat due to getting beheaded by a malnourished teenager

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