Subject: Legendary/Bleepfic nomination and discussion megathread
Posted on: 2024-03-01 02:02:37 UTC
It has been about two years since we have approved of granting a fic Legendary status. While we are in no way obligated to give it to any fic, there have certainly been some fics worth looking at. The qualifications for Legendary or Bleepfic status are as follows:
The main criteria for Legendary status are as follows:
Be at least five years old.
Return a decent number of relevant Google hits from the past year, indicating that people are still talking about it.
Be famous in its own right, not because of the author/sequel/prequel/fanart/whatever.
Be acknowledged as awful by a majority of PPCers with an opinion.
A Bleepfic need only meet the last requirement.
I have gone through, and for all the Legendary nominations, checked to make sure there are at least five results for that fic. For clarity on all of these, I will be using the “past year” setting on DuckDuckGo with SafeSearch on moderate.
- Rise of the Drackens - Legendary - 2012 - Harry Potter - NSFW
I believe this has been mentioned before.
Anyway, it has a Fanlore article, a wiki, and even its own Goodreads page. One glance at looking it up without quotes, and every single result from the first page in the past year is about the fic itself. It is absolutely still being talked about.
To paraphrase Umbre on its quality:
“Basically it's a creature inheritance fic where Harry finds out he's a submissive dragon-human hybrid called a Dracken when he turns 16 (yes the submissive part is important). Drackens are really rare and persecuted by wizards and as a result part of an even secreter secret society except not really because when he gets to Hogwarts he finds out he has to find a mate soon or go crazy and Dumbledore has a whole mansion built on Hogwarts’ grounds for a whole bunch of dominant Drackens to stay in under some stupid pretense. Harry has to get to know and choose between like some godforsaken hell version of the bachelor only plot happens and Harry finds out he needs multiple mates because magic bull crap so there's an obligatory harem made of buff guys who all have the exact same body type.”
So… yeah. I’m all for labeling this thing as Legendary.
- Tangled Webs - Legendary - from 20002 - Megacrossover
As mentioned in this thread, “Tangled Web could be reasonable put as a Legendary, given its reference in TOS. Frankly, I think it deserves to be grandfathered in, hence my attempt at resurrecting this discussion.
- Kelly The Roman Warrior - Legendary - from 2012 LoTRxTwlight Megacrossover
This thing is an awful mess of hilarious typos. It’s clearly a troll, and I love how funny and flat-out ridiculous it is, on a My Immortal-level. It even has its own animated version. hS has missioned it, so there’s that. However, there are only like five results that are actually it when searching the past year, and some of the results are from my MST of it last year. Maybe some other people might think it not unique enough to deserve even a Bleepfic status. I think it deserves it, but I can see that this one is perhaps more of a long shot.
- Half Life Full Life Consequences - Legendary - 2006 - Half-Life
I’m honestly not sure why this isn’t listed as a Legendary already on its article on our wiki, though unfortunately its mission has been lost. It clearly should be (it has its own Wikipedia page, which is something only My Immortal and Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles have). I get a decent (at least 9 in the first two pages) amount of results, but it also has a significant amount of tags of AO3. Frankly, this one is a shoe-in.
- Starfleet Magic - Legendary - 2012 - MLP
Ten results in the top twenty (without quotes!) is probably enough, especially given the fairly generic title. It’s a terrible rewrite of MLP but with OP OC ponies who are also some kind of space militia, which is so much better than MLP. We’ve mentioned it before, and here’s its TV Tropes page. Yeeeah.
I think it qualifies for Legendary.
- How I became Yours - Legendary - 2012 - ATLA
10 results in the first two pages without quotes, in the past year. It’s definitely still discussed. Ix missioned it, and it was a great mission, with its bizarre characterization, trivialization, and blatantly traced art. The TV Tropes page has a decent overview. I honestly thought this actually was a Legendary for a while. Definitely deserves its status.
- Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami - Legendary - 2012 - Death Note
Yet another fic that has been missioned before. When I search this title, without quotes, I got 9 results in the first page of results all referring to it in the past year. The fic even has its own subreddit! I think it’s Legendary, as it’s hilariously bad. Clear trollfic, with lots of amusing typos.
- Forbiden Fruit the Tempation of Edward Cullen - Legendary - 2009 - Twilight
This is already a Bleepfic, but given the 9 or so results in the first page in the last year, I think it deserves Legendary. Thoughts?
- soulless shell - Bleepfic - Redwall
Probably a trollfic, but oh my gosh is that awful. Someone brought it up as a Legendary a while back, and I think I agree with the general consensus that it doesn’t have enough results for Legendary. That said, I do think it counts as a Bleepfic. Thoughts?
- Rainbow Factory - Legendary - 2012 - MLP
Hoo boy. This fic reminds me of Cupcakes–in that it's a well-known awful grimdark MLP fic. Looking through the board, I can see quite a few attempts to mention this as a Bleepfic or Legendary. We already have a wiki page for it. I’m not sure as much about the results; I think some of them might be from the song the fic is named after. Anyway, this deserves at least a Bleepfic IMO.
- PAL Series - Bleepfic - 2014 Pokemon
While there definitely aren’t enough hits for this fic to count as Legendary, it is definitely a Bleepfic. In the Discord, it’s been mocked for almost three years straight, and with its OP region of nonsensical totalitarianism, I can see why. Bleepfic for sure. Also, it has a wiki, which is an absolute jumpscare.
- Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard - Bleepfic - 2021 HP
I’ve brought this up before because oh my gosh this Stu is the most evil fictional character I’ve ever read about.
“This is a wish-fulfillment and Gary Stu-type novel, so read at your own risk. If this is not your type of story, please move along and do not complain.”
Edward Bones is like Voldemort; only more egotistical. He goes around murdering people simply because it would be convenient for him; and he goes off on insane rants about some perfect space wizard society he would create after committing “countless atrocities”. And did I mention how insanely OP this character is? Because he is. Incredibly OP.
I think Edward Hitlerhands is worth being called a Bleepfic.
- Namae No Nai Chronicles - Bleepfic - 2011 - Megacrossover - Some fics are NSFW
Yet another insanely OP Gary Stu; this one is a fellow named Kiactu Maheem. He is also nonsensically OP, and these fics are full of awful writing and really creepy, misogynistic elements. I would call this a Bleepfic for sure, as there is very little talking about this in the past year (aside from MSTs I’ve participated in).
- IT'S MY LIFE - Bleepfic - 2012 - Portal
This one is from the Portal fandom, which I am not in. But I have heard of it before on other MST sites, and aaaaah. That is… no. The SPaG is terrible. It’s clearly a trollfic, and I think it’s funny. Check out its TV Tropes page.
- Back to the Frollo - Bleepfic - 1997 Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hooo boy. This fic is ancient (Agony In Pink beats it by 3 years) and it is bad. Really bad. It is a crossover between Back to the Future and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and the crossover does not fit. Frollo is insanely OOC, and there is racism aplenty. Absolutely awful, and deserving of Bleepfic status, even if it doesn’t have many hits from the last year besides my and Yuki’s MST of it.
If you have any comments on any of these, or have any other nominations to add, or anything else, please do so!
–Ls has been working on this for a while.
Edit: added continua.