Subject: New Mission/Interlude combo! (sort of)
Posted on: 2024-08-12 16:41:46 UTC

Took me long enough, considering how short these were and how much time I had over the summer, but here comes another mission/interlude dual feature! Though I do wonder if the mission here really counts as a mission, considering where the agents get sent...

Perchance to Dream, a kind of mission in which the console acts up and nothing happens.

Alopecoid, an interlude where Makes-Things meets a monster from his culture's folklore.

Not much to say here, except I'm glad to finally get some writing done after a few months of stagnation. Been trying to take writing as a hobby more seriously as of late, so I'm finally getting through my chronic perfectionism to actually finish old works. Anyways, hope yous enjoy this one!

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