Subject: Bringing the inevitable agents:
Posted on: 2024-09-28 10:35:06 UTC

Wobbles really isn't that good in HeroForge. She isn't big enough, she isn't wide enough, her trousers are not , and there's no options for her canonical big clown wig beyond futzing around with decals on the Afro hair, which was such a pain in the neck I just gave up. That said, the presence of a balloon animal is very welcome and her bow tie is suitably enormous.

The Notary, by contrast, turned out rather well. She has a semi-relaxed hairstyle appropriate to this point in her arc, she has a collapsing meat skewer, she has a sci-fi-looking pistol, and she has her big yellow sash, which rarely gets an outing but is actually a pretty important part of her outfit. Plus the pose is good.

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