Subject: Kord was a fun one.
Posted on: 2024-10-05 07:56:55 UTC

I loved slapping a big goofy grin on him; of all the gods, I think he's having the most fun in his miniature. Also, I got to use the two-handed lightning, which is a fantastic piece, and to splash him with neon glow.

He was also easier than many of the others, because you already gave him a colour scheme! I just got to follow that rather than having to figure it out myself.

Your fiancé has good taste. ^_^ If he hasn't already heard about it, I recommend The Power Fantasy, the new comic by the same author; not at all related to WicDiv, but at least so far it's pushing many of the same buttons in terms of (super)power and how it messes with you. (I think it's a bit of a theme with Kieron Gillen tbh, which is why I was so pleased to see it spontaneously appear in the RP in multiple places.)

Re: Same Character Syndrome - I mean, I did both of my Elvish self-inserts almost back-to-back, you don't have to tell me! One reason I threw myself into making the Pantheon was to force myself to do different things. (Even then, a lot of them have defaulted to manic glee, and I only really used two spots on any of the weight/height/measures sliders.)


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