Subject: Then I suppose I should do this
Posted on: 2010-02-22 20:16:00 UTC

15 minutes before Barid meets Jack

"Where are we going?" asked Neshomeh. "You still haven't told me. You also haven't explained why I need a blindfold or what you had in that bag that you had over your shoulder."

"Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise," explained Barid, with just a little too much mirth in his voice. "We'll be there soon."

Another two minutes of walking brought them to their destination. There was a brief pause as Barid opened a door. The sounds of giggling reached Neshomeh's ears.

"In you go," said Barid, steering Neshomeh into the room. "She's all yours, ladies."

There was a soft thud as Barid put the bag down. He then left the room.

As Neshomeh took off the blindfold, she found herself in a room that was covered in pillows and blankets. It was also filled with various female Boarders in various states of undress and compromising positions. Neshomeh looked at the bag on the floor and was shocked to see the collection of interesting items inside.

Piph walked over and grinned. She took Neshomeh's hand and led her to a corner that was less covered in Boarders than the rest. They were quickly joined by Gen, who had stopped to grab a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs from the bag.


After about 30 minutes of fun, Neshomeh was pulled back to reality by a frantic scratching at the door.

"That's probably Lux," said Trojie from inside a very interesting game of Twister. "Barid said he sent her an invitation."

Laburnum pulled herself halfway out of a pile near the door and opened it. There was an excited squeal from the other side and then the party really started.

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