Subject: *wanders more OT* Darn it, Trojie
Posted on: 2010-02-21 22:17:00 UTC

At this rate I'm probably going to rewrite the whole song, since the accusatory bits get hilarious if they are talking about badfic instead of murder but I have no idea how they'd *get* there and picturing Paul Sorvino and Bill Moseley and Anthony Stewart Head singing about Sues and shipfic is... odd. Very, very odd.

(We have "Did you know she was a Suethor?" // "That was only one-shot fic!" // "One-shots still with epic plotholes--" // "And she's sunk to greater depths!" // "Don't you tempt me to write shipfic--" // "Tempt her! Tempt her!" but I'm... tinkering. Yeah. Hi. :D)

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