Subject: Request
Posted on: 2010-01-18 19:31:00 UTC

I've been thinking about this for a long time, and have finally decided to try my hand at a sporking mission. But conisdering how I don't have very good self-esteem, I'm not sure of what fic of my to put up as an examnple of my writing work.

My choice of fic is varied, but as of late, I have been doing movie/game "fanmakes" (or parodies, if you prefer), though characterization is my biggest issue/worry.

(BTW, my penname on under is Gijinka Renamon, and I give full permission to spork/MST my earlier works, back when I didn't know what I was doing.)

Also, do have to know the fandoms back-to-front? Since smnall details tend to slip past me...

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