Subject: Hmmm.
Posted on: 2010-01-11 07:48:00 UTC

Speaking as a fairly new Doctor Who fan, I'd have to say the Doctor would be the best possible canon character to fall through, and also the worst, and it would be awesome to see this written.

I'm torn-- part of me thinks it would make perfect sense for the Doctor to look away from the pretty lights and bluff the Agents into thinking he'd been neuralysed-- but then he'd probably not bother going back. HQ does qualify as a parallel universe, right? As canons are all spots in the multiverse? So being in HQ-- or another canon-- would render the TARDIS powerless, and being a man Time Lord of brilliance, he'd probably just go on about his way. A love of getting into trouble probably would be trumped by a desire to not destroy the multiverse. *shrug*

Then again, part of me thinks he'd just go on his merry way, and that largely because it would be so awesome to see the Doctor rampant in HQ. But yeah.

(Also, I believe canon characters have made it into HQ before. They're generally extracted and neuralysed, eventually.)

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