Subject: A few thoughts...
Posted on: 2010-01-11 05:12:00 UTC

Tech really isn't left "lying around" much - when it's not in use, it tends to be in unmarked boxes in small rooms overfilled with unmarked (or cryptically marked) boxes. Even stuff that isn't moved much is usually noticed when it goes missing, as people are in and out of the room fairly regularly for other things. (Please note that that isn't just HQ - I do sound for a university, and it's remarkable how quickly we notice when things get moved.)

I don't think that the Doctor would be a worst-case scenario - he strikes me as the sort to quickly grasp what the PPC does and why it's a good idea to keep it running. There would probably be a big, season-ending-level adventure surrounding the whole thing, but the Doctor tends to be good at un-breaking things. Especially when he's working with himself.

If you really want to bork the multiverse, try letting Marvel-verse loose... it's got a continuity so forked it makes Star Trek look linear, and more ridiculously overpowered villains than you could shake a stick at.

(and just a minor note - we've done the whole crisis and sue invasion thing a couple times, they aren't as fun as they look.)

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