Subject: Re: I've noticed, yeah.
Posted on: 2009-11-26 06:21:00 UTC

Figured you didn't swear much, hence not just emailing you about this. There's a whole other question though - why's it so much easier to compose a thought in written words than spoken?

I don't entirely buy the time to think view based on my conversations with Trojie - we both type so fast and respond so instantly to messages that there's not much difference, in response time, between our written conversations and our microphone-based ones, and yet I still don't swear with her. With most people, however, I accept that's a valid point and an excellent interpretation for a less specialised version of my question. The bit I'm really pondering, though, is the instances where, for example in your case, you're talking to your close friends and family online - is there any difference in how you talk to them on and offline?

With you on the excellence of being as proper as you like though.

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