Subject: *tentative wave* Hi!
Posted on: 2009-09-08 17:28:00 UTC

Hi! My name's Lucy, or any derivation you can get off of moonchild, or if you're feeling random, the color yes (which actually has the best story). I stumbled across this community 'cause... well, 'cause IndeMaat happened across one of my stories, reviewed it, and then I (sneakily, yes, I know) followed it to her profile and then was sucked into her Torchwood PPC files... Anyway, I've been looking around, as I a while ago wanted to get into something like this, but I really like that other people have thought of it! Down with the Sues! Anyway, I just said anyway twice in a row, didn't I? Well, I'd better stop that, I can think of synonyms for it, and I have access to multiple thesauruses, and... I should stop rambling, shouldn't I?

Okay, I'll tell you a bit more about me, how 'bout? I started out, fandom wise, in Harry Potter, then progressed to Pirates of the Caribbean, and only last summer progressed even further to Doctor Who/Torchwood, where I now reside (with my fanfiction, anyway). However, I'd love to get back into Harry Potter/Pirates, but I'm thinking my best way in at the moment is through PPC. On LotR -- as I'm sure you'll all ask -- I've only seen the movies. (*cringes in fear of attack*) I do, however, have a hardback copy of the trilogy on my shelf and was trying to work my way through it before I got distracted by... probably school. Umm... I have a cat, two geckos, and a fish. Also a little brother, some crazy friends, and tendency to spell things the British way even though I am 100% American. You could tell by my Philly accent, but accents don't exactly translate onto paper very well...

I believe that's it. That was a bit lengthy of an introduction, but I do have a tendency to ramble... Now, off to work on the characters I'm planning...

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