Subject: Hello there!
Posted on: 2009-09-08 22:16:00 UTC

Welcome to the board, miss! (My agent(s) are having the irresistible urge to call you MoChi... But maybe that's because they're craving icecream at the moment...)

Anyway, welcome to he board! Her's a Pidgin and a Kbifem! Pidgins (they look like Pigeons, except black, leathery, and covered in Silver Script, which is like Purple Prose, only it's the way that thirteen-year-old girls excuse bad spelling with "But it's so pretty!") are good for sorting out when Suethors throw random non-english into a fic, while Kbifems (Basically like a bowie knife with a highly scripted M cut out of the meat of the blade) are very good for killing Suethor Spelling. Beware, though! if either falls into the wrong hands, GREAT EVIL can befall you...

Anyway, yes, welcome to the board!

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