Subject: *headdesk*
Posted on: 2009-08-01 10:51:00 UTC

What a bizarre request.

I'll throw in my two pence. ... or I would if I could think of the one I just thought of and then forgot.

Let's chuck out random words in the hopes that I'll remember it: Sushi, Nausea, Penguin, Hippopotamus (*going on animals now*), Aardvark, Scarab, Liplurodon (an awful approxamation of a sea-dwelling dino that I can't spell right now).

While I can't remember what the name I wanted was, I vote for Aardvark now. Mainly because Mass Effect has weird alien creatures on one planet that I've named Aardvark-bat-monkeys because of what they look like. It also has Aardvark-horse-dinosaurs on another world.

On a somewhat related subject, if you have a friend called Faye who is a Star Trek fan, Private Eye's Psuedo-Names section gave her a wonderful name if she ever wants to changes. Faye Zersonn-Stunn.

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