Subject: *mad scientist laughter*
Posted on: 2009-05-28 01:33:00 UTC

An absolutely god-awful Warriors fic that is, sadly, too short to PPC. It's called 'What if Tigerstar killed Scourge?' and consists of a horribly written battle between Firestar and Tigerstar. Hey! It's about cats, being translated to lolcat! Yay!

Disclaimah:I own nofin. Zip, nada, nofin in dis wunshooted except teh plot.

Whut if floofystar haded killeded Scourge?

Teh final battle against Firestar adn floofystar!

“Yoo stinkin kittehpet! I'll kill yoo befoar yur Clan's vewee eyup, srsly!”floofystar spited

“noes floofystar, yoo won't. Foar I HAZ STARCLAN awn mai sied, adn yoo dun. Yoo may haz bein given teh nin livez uv a leadah, but STARCLAN iz still awn mai sied, yoo Traitor! Firestar hisseded.

“Den let's seez hoo reelee duz haz STARCLAN awn deir sied, liddill retch!” floofystar screameded den leapeded at Firestar. Firestar wuz totally unawaer adn wuz catched of gard. Az floofystar bowleded into him sied, floofystar sayed mockingly “stoopid kittehpet duzn't nows hao ta fyet!” Firestar wuz nockeded off balance adn sended hurtlin towardz THUNDERCLAN.

“Firestar!”screameded Sandstorm. Her wuz abowt ta leap at floofystar wehn Firestar goted up.

“noes Sandstorm. dis iz mai battle.” him sayed calmly.

Firestar practicawly flyed straight at floofystar. Firestar sended floofystar off ta teh sied. Firestar sawed a openin. floofystar haded him stomach faec up. Him runed wif teh speed uv STARCLAN adn rakeded him claw down floofystar's stomach. floofystar wuz mahmentarily in fierce pain, but eet seemeded ta haz lef him. Him rakeded him clawz down Firestar's sied. Firestar goted bak up adn whackeded floofystar in teh faec. Dat lef him mahmentarily stunneded. floofystar goted up adn scratcheded Firestar awn teh noes.

“We iz too even. I needz ta find a trick.” Firestar sayed.

Den Firestar acteded az if him werz defeateded. floofystar yowleded in triumph. Him jumpeded ta deal teh killin blow, srsly. Den Firestar launcheded himself at floofystar. Him hit him awn teh stomach. floofystar goed flyin. Den him lied motionless. Firestar runed up adn bited down hird awn floofystar's neck. Firestar bakeded up az floofystar jerkeded. Den him lied motionless. too livez down, sevun ta go. Den floofystar jerkeded agin adn lied motionless. Him haded losed anudda lief! Him keeped dis up till him wuz awn him lass lief. Den him goted up.

“finks ur sow gud? Well, kittehpet, Iz nawt deded yet, srsly!” floofystar spited. Him jumpeded awn Firestar's bak. Him unnaterelly lawng clawz diged in hird. Suddenly Firestar let owt a yowl. Him lied motionless. Den, him reared up adn hit floofystar hird awn teh ground. Firestar's eyup gloweded wif raeg. Him claweded floofystar's belly hird. Den him hit him sow hird dat him soul probably goed ta DEATHCLAN adn bak. floofystar lied motionless. Firestar haded wined.

“I haz rid teh foarest uv a graet evil. But if I nows floofystar, him will wantz rebenge, even if himz in DEATHCLAN. In teh process, I haz losed a lief. But I still haz eit lef. I will maeks eet.” him telled teh Clanz. Sandstorm runed up ta teh mizzle uv teh clearin wher Firestar wuz sittin. Her lickeded him woundz til Cinderpelt comed adn shooeded her awai. Her attendeded him woundz.

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