Subject: More non-numbered contributions!
Posted on: 2009-05-12 00:57:00 UTC

I will not suggest that any group of orcs be given extra-large condoms and lessons on abstinence.
-especially within earshot of Agents who have read C***b***n.
-especially if the group of orcs in question lives in the Misty Mountains.

I will not introduce Túrin Turambar and Marvin the Paranoid Android.
-The combined angst could create a black hole.

I will not give Ron Weasley a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster and tell him that it's firewhisky.
-No matter how funny his expression would be.

I do not have the ability to cause Sues to spontaneously combust by glaring at them.
-Consequently, I will not sulk when this doesn't work.

I will not lock the Nazgûl in a room with nine Dementors and videotape what happens.
-Nor will I attempt to sell the footage of said event.

I will not attempt to club a hobbit!Sue to death with a potato. It doesn't work.
-However, a pot of potato stew does.

I will not set any number of mûmakil loose in HQ.
-Especially if I've dyed them pink.
-Or bright yellow.
-Urple is right out.

When newbies are within earshot, I will not pretend to argue with an invisible creature named 'Fluffy' about it not being allowed to eat people.
-Nor will I break off arguing, smile at the newbies, and ask them if they want to pet 'Fluffy'.
-Nor will I tell them that "She's harmless. Really. Who needs limbs, anyway?"

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