Subject: I posted a list of things on mugglenet.
Posted on: 2009-05-10 18:22:00 UTC

  1. I'm not allowed to feed a Dalek to Croonkshanks.
    -He'll only throw it back up.
    975. Having a TARDIS and Time Turner together in a small space is a Very Bad Idea.
    976. Not allowed to Avada Kedarva Jack Harkness for my own amusement.
    977. It is especially cruel to transfigure a pear into a banana, then offer the transfigured pear to then Doctor.
    978. Nor may I take a picture of his facial expression, and post it around HQ.
    979. Capt. Jack Harkness and Sirius Black are never to meet.
    980. EVER.

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