Subject: Don't forget that a minority of Sues are "anorexic".
Posted on: 2009-04-29 20:56:00 UTC

That means that some may have stomachs that function the same way as humans, although the fact that they stay thin even after they 'give up their bad habit' may mean that this is a red herring. Also, there are indications that their reproductive systems function differently than those of humans. The lack of menustration whih I mentioned in the other post is only one of them. For example, almost no genetic defects relating to looks and personality traits are passed down Suvian children.

Also, it's possible that the Glitter in the Sue's blood is a mutagen tied to the author's will. This explains why Increasing or Decreasing the level of it adds to Suvian charactheristics (Intelligentpetin and other substances may also have an effect). Since the consensus is that Marysues are non-sentient, it could also mean that the glitter can prevent sentience from forming, although it can create an imitation of the soul(purposefully made to be sucked out to advance the story's 'plot
). I make no definite conclusions, however.

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