Subject: Re: I didn't phrase it well.
Posted on: 2009-04-30 14:10:00 UTC

Ah, much better clarification. Thank you.

Of course, we could have a long and rambling and ultimately pointless argument about whether a canon who believes himself to have a soul actually has one, or whether he's simply mistaken, since for them to exist, even in a Word World, a lot of Science has to go right out of the window. But I'll grant that there's certainly something, be it a soul, a spirit, a mind, or just an emergent feature of a working human brain, that can be sucked out, for example, by Dementors.

As for Sues' lack of sentience, I'm not convinced on that one yet. They are able to communicate with Agents, after all, and it's not known whether the Suethor constantly has her attention on her fic. And if the Suethor's not paying attention and hasn't written her Sue interacting with Agents, then presumably that interaction is of the Sue herself's volition. And I can see this ending up drawing a lot of parallels with artificial intelligence, so I shall stop there for now.

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