Subject: Permission requestage and troll for coauthor.
Posted on: 2009-04-20 05:14:00 UTC

So, it's permission time! Yaay! And if someone wants to be a coauthor for the first agent for her first mission, I would be sooo happy. I'll sort out partners for both of them eventually.

Name: Bedlam Broche; better known as B&b
Department: Dept. of Bad Slash
Quick blurb: B&b was created in a novel with heavy influences from Final Fantasy XII; it was never published and resides in the Well of Lost Plots. B&b is a hume; she is stoic, violent, does not talk more than necessary, and is (mostly) insensitive. She previously worked at B&B, another fanfiction 'policing' organization, and after its sudden and inexplicable liquidation, she chose to continue working in fanfiction than returning home.
Full Profile:
Mission: I don't actually have one for her yet, but if anyone who wants to coauthor has a suggestion that is rated R...?

Name: Ariella
Department: Dept. of Floaters (for the time being)
Quick Blurb: Ariella resides in the Real World as a both physically and mentally precocious teenager. She reads both canon and fanfiction extensively; besides browbeating others as a form of beta-reading, she also writes sporadically. Although she is good at her core, Ariella is malicious, callous, and quick witted. She insults others as a force of habit and is best described as the child of Noël Coward and Gregory House.
Full Profile:

Writing sample:
(For those who can stand OCs)

(For those who can't)

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