Subject: Yes, I love this series
Posted on: 2009-04-23 12:22:00 UTC

I intend to spork a Suefic in this series as a first mission. Thing is, House is more in Whatev's interests, Krisp's are more in science fiction series. But What' could also be a good character to pair with your agents as needed. (hehe I look forward to see Krisp's and South's reaction to What' 'being unfaithful to them' hehe and to see What' with any of your agents... lulz)
Well, if you ever find an abuse fic, What' will be the one.

If you ever need an agent for another continuum, you can pick. What' is into House MD, Numb3rs and U2, and hates abuse, hurt/comfort and OOCness, Krisp is into Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Watchmen and U2 and is more after Sues, bad sex and OOCness, and South is into fantasy book series and hates bad grammar/spelling and bad humor.

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