Subject: L4D badfic...
Posted on: 2009-04-13 20:04:00 UTC

Did anyone have any idea there was so *much*? Christ, I've found 8 already! I can feel it starting to hurt my brain...

Are there any Agents assigned to dealing with L4D? If there aren't, would anyone mind particularly if I went for these?
(This one's actually hilarious. It has practically no ties to L4D, is MISSING AN ENTIRE CHAPTER, and apparently involves some sort of Satan possession... thing. Summary says it all, really: “this story is about a girl and a zombie attacks on holloween night this girl is weird but all this was a dream")

<a href="
(Author seems unaware of the existence of the shift key...)

<a href="
(Blocks of text with no attention to proper formatting, tons of spelling errors... and they're not even L4D zombies. They're Romero-style shambers! GRAAAH!)

<a href="
(Another goddamn 'Infected are innocent!' story... 'why do the survivors hate us?' Correct answer: Because you try to EAT them. Suggested response: Feed OCs to *actual* infected, let them figure it out by themselves...)

<a href="
(Apparently, you can jump and fall into an alley, only to break your *arm*... and you can then ignore that and run away. Erm, no.)

<a href="
(Constant tense switches... and the entire thing is centred, making it really damn hard to read)

<a href="
(Massive Marty Stu with all the abilities of each special infected with none of the drawbacks...)

AAAAAAAAAH! Someone get me Bleepka! Now!

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