Subject: Let's play Fill The Plotholes.
Posted on: 2009-04-11 00:12:00 UTC

No one remembers this, do they? (Ah, you Oldbies don't count) It's a fine old PPC tradition. Basically (and it is very basic), someone (that's me!) posts a number of (real) fanfic summaries (doesn't have to be badfic, either!), and you (the Boarders) write a story to fit them and clear up the plotholes in them. Just a short, silly story (I need to stop making these parenthetical asides), which has nothing to do with the original story. It's not a PPC mission, it's a story fitting the summary (misinterpret at will). And yes, you can do one someone's already done.

Let's see now... (all summaries taken from the first four pages of's LotR section).

1. Ignis
Sauron’s daughter, who was born and raised in modern America, is pulled to another world, right in the middle of the war of the Ring. Not your average Mary Sue.

2. Crisis on Middle Earth
Epic, funny tale about a girl with her friends and several enemies who are transported to the LOTR dimension. Loads of sacasim, tears, and hot elves. Rated T in case. Better than Mary-Sue! Relationships: Read to find out!

3. friendship over no bounds
three friends end up in middle earth seperated and have to fight in the war for the rings disclaimer i do not own anything from the tolkiverse

4. Misadventures in Middle Earth
Summary: My OC end up in the Lotr world. I suck at summary's so if a sarcastic twit ending up in the Lotr world and bringing chaos wherever he goes *And quite a few scratches* Is your cup of tea then by all means enjoy. Otherwise you can read somethin

5. A Tale From the Wilderland
A light little tale in which an elf . . . but you'll have to read the story

6. The Song of Iluvatar
Legolas is about to come of age, and the life of this spoiled prince is at its best. However, things are about to change when a shocking betrayal thrusts him into a foreign world where everything he ever loved is locked forever beyond his grasp

7. The Best Maths Class EVER!
This was actually written during Maths under the oblivious gavze of our wonderful Teacher. We hope you like it.
hS: Yes, this is supposed to be an LotR summary.

8. Love's Token
Slash. Erestor/Glorfindel. New love sneaks in on oliphaunt toes.

I... could do so much with any of these. But I'll start off with just the last one (as an example and for my own entertainment).

8. Love's Token
Slash. Erestor/Glorfindel. New love sneaks in on oliphaunt toes.

It was another sunny day in Rivendell, although there did seem to be a hint of rain in the air. Perhaps that distant thunder would come down from the mountains and shower the Last Homely House with a gentle, well shower. At least, that was Erestor's thought process until it was suddenly derailed by a large shadow falling over him, and the realisation that that wasn't thunder.

"Erestor, my love, the moon of my delight! Will you not now accept this humble token of my affection?"

With a sigh, Erestor put his scroll down and turned. "Glorfindel," he said heavily. "I'm sure the explanation for this will be stunning." 'This' was a ten-ton grey beast more than fifteen feet tall, with huge flapping ears, massive white tusks, an appallingly prehensile nose, and a certain blond Balrog-slaying elf on its back.

"Do you not recall, oh star of my heart's desire?" Glorfindel asked, in the same tone he'd been using ever since that wood-elf from Mirkwood had convinced him he'd been fed a love potion. "You promised that if I were to bring you an oliphaunt from the far distant lands, you would consider my--"

"'Not even', Glorfindel," Erestor grated. "My words were 'Not even if you rode in on the back of an oliphaunt."

"... oh." Glorfindel looked non-plussed. "Um... I guess I'll take it back, then?"


Your turn.


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