Subject: Re: Let's play Fill The Plotholes.
Posted on: 2009-04-11 22:50:00 UTC

  1. Misadventures in Middle Earth
    Summary: My OC end up in the Lotr world. I suck at summary's so if a sarcastic twit ending up in the Lotr world and bringing chaos wherever he goes *And quite a few scratches* Is your cup of tea then by all means enjoy. Otherwise you can read somethin

    Krisp didn't quite understand what happened. One moment he was chatting with South and Whatev, and the next, he was there. He didn't know where, apart from the fact it looked like a fantasy world. South would have told him which one, but he wasn't there. Well, Krisp would have to find out by himself.
    He was currently into some woods, with, well, random trees and other various plants he couldn't tell which they were because he wasn't a botany geek. Well, in any case he would have been screwed. Nobody in the Infernal Trio was a botany geek.
    Krisp walked a bit around and stumbled on some underground city, full of funky people with pointed ears. Vulcans, maybe. OK, so they were Vulcans. He would teach them how to have fun. It was clever of him to keep the lighter and the aerosol bomb.
    Krisp wandered around until he found a place full of people. He then lit his lighter and sprayed the aerosol bomb on it. He shouted 'SURPRISE, HAHAHAHAHA' and ran toward the crowd. The Vulcans were a little bit more emotional than expected, but they managed quite well to evacuate. Krisp chased them in the corridors, almost burned himself on several occasions and still managed to make some people panic.
    Then he ended up in a small gray room, where two other guys were shouting at him.
    "Krisp, will you stop this? Oh my glod, you went flamethrower-crazy!"
    "Where have you been?"
    "Oh, sorry, guys, I just arrived... I was in some funky place full of weird Vulcans, I was having a little fun, and I didn't realize I was back here..."
    "And you got FLAMETHROWER-CRAZY on the people there??? You have strange ways of filling your time, Krisp."

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