Subject: Newbie Coming In! Run Away, Everyone!
Posted on: 2009-03-22 04:14:00 UTC

So. Hello. -Waves- I suppose I should say something profound.

... 'Something profound!' 8D -Shot-

Okay, anyway, now that I've gotten over my shy newbie syndrome, it's time to make proper introductions. I am commonly known as the Peppered Fox, PF for short, and I look forward to meeting your acquaintances. (Gosh, I sound so stuffy xD) I'm more of a roleplayer than a writer, but I do my best. I occasionally draw too, but my art skills are made of epic fail. I've been lurking on... -Counts on fingers- six board so far in my short 14-year old life, two of which I have become a regular at. I like several things. Canadian TV shows, Canadian cartoons... actually, a lot of Canadian stuff. I enjoy reading epic fantasy stories and the occasional good fanfiction. I have become a semi-grammar Nazi, though I am a bit lax. I have a tendency to overuse smilies too, so be warned!

... Insanity is welcomed, right? Righty-oh then, I should be able to bring my friend, Henry the Dancing Bear. Come out Henry! Say hi to the nice PPC people!

Henry: -3-; (She's nuts. Get her away from me...)

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