Subject: Hmmm...
Posted on: 2009-03-21 18:59:00 UTC

Well, Nume and Cameo's missions (read: Fill the Plothole stories) had a fairly high quotient of ridiculous. There was the time Nume left his Bleeprin in the fic and they had to go back and stop Legolas from taking any. (Sadly, I lost this one and never got around to re-writing it.)

Then there was the time they were disguised as Elves and Nume happened to have a bow and arrows. He, um, accidentally shot Legolas in the shoulder. Cameo boxed his ears for him.

These were before Nume started carrying a flask of Bleepka with him at all times, by the way. That's largely Cameo's fault.

In recent history, there's the incident of Ilraen trying to learn how to morph clothing. They'd acquired a box of Speedos that had fallen off the back of a plothole, so Ilraen was using those to practice. He would morph human, pull on a pair, then try to get back to Andalite and take them along.

Each attempt failed spectacularly. If you will, please imagine the Speedo stretching out as hips become hindquarters. Then imagine the elastic finally snapping, sending the Speedo flying across the RC to land anywhere from the console to Nume's bed to Nume's head. Imagine this happening about twenty times before the Speedos are used up.

As Nume commented, the place looked like nothing so much as a boys' college dorm afterward.

Oh, incidentally, Ilraen is indeed an Andalite, but he has done a mission in Young Wizards-verse and, even though he hasn't actually seen either species, I don't think he'd be likely to take a Rirhait for a Taxxon. The gaping, ravenous, toothy mouths on the Taxxons are a dead give-away.

Fill the Plotholes:



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