Subject: I beg to differ
Posted on: 2009-03-08 03:14:00 UTC

It wouldn't be completely unheard of for a Division to be made simply to give a particularly cool Flower a place - while I can't think of any examples of exactly that off the top of my head, I would like to point out the existence of the two different Repetition/Redundancy departments, created simply for the joke of it.

In fact, we only *have* Flowers as the bosses because Jay and Acacia thought that their friend's picture of a sunflower in a suit was just too cool, random or wacky or whatever NOT to have a place.

Don't forget that we're not actually fighting some logical battle against a logical enemy - if we think that something like a Dark Lord Geranium is just so cool that it should have a place, I for one would not be at all surprised at the creation of a division for it to supervise.

We do stuff cos it's cool, a lot of the time, not just for expedient or sensible reasons.

I appreciate your point that there wouldn't be a *heap* for such a Division to do if we left things as they are, but if such a Division was created, then of course all cases of Evil!Sues that the DMS currently assigns to whoever would then go to that Division and be dealt with seperately, much as pre-Division of Bad Het, bad het stories went to whoever was best equipped to deal with them. Now that we *have* that Division, bad het stories go there instead of going where they would otherwise have gone.

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