Subject: Heh.
Posted on: 2009-03-08 12:43:00 UTC

Clearly my realistic mindset is not compatible with most of the PPC, heh. I can't have something done not be done for an expedient, sensible, logical reason. Hence me arguing that making a Division solely to give ol' DLG a job wouldn't have a point and wouldn't be a thing the Flowers would do. Especially since, to be honest, there aren't exactly a lot of villain!Sues (not saying evil!Sues because, by our definitions, all Sues are evil). Maybe Flowers practice nepotism? DLG shows up, he's an old friend of one of the higher-up Flowers, said Flowers sets it up so DLG gets a job as head of a new division? I could make the Division and agents fairly easily, though unlike some divisions/departments it'd be open to any and all.

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