Subject: I have a lot...
Posted on: 2009-02-13 04:58:00 UTC

...I actually make these lists for fun while I'm sitting in class! The ones I make up in math are the most violent. If I were an agent, I might actually do most of these.

940. I will not lock my partner in the Aperture Science Testing Center, no matter how inept she is.

941. I will not paint a mural on the HQ hallway wall in the blood of Mary Sues.

942. I will not attempt to rickroll HQ, especially if I think Rick Astley was hot and really dig the whole 80's vibe he's got going in that video.

943. I am not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions, nor can they go on my missions for me.

944. Attempting to subtly convince the canon characters that I am a child molester is. Not. Funny.
-Except in special situations. However, it makes it difficult to do your job if they don't trust you. Really.

945. I am not allowed to attempt to purchase any canon character's soul, nor am I allowed to set up a "slave trade".
Even if I claim that it's a historical re-enactment.

946. Not allowed to join the Black Cats. Or the 'Sues. Or the fangirls.

947. I am not allowed to make posters of anti-flower propoganda.
-Or flyers. Organizing protests is right out.

948. The flowers may be plotting to steal Christmas, but I am still not allowed to organize a protest.

949. I am not authorized to fire Flowers.

946. Black body paint is NOT a uniform.

947. I am not the psychological warfare mascot, and therefore I may not conduct psychological experiments on the flowers. Or other agents.

948. Any reports submitted with my blood on them will result in disciplinary action in the future.
-The flowers do not even want to know how I managed to digitize my own blood.

949. I am not allowed to replace the no-drool videos with snuff flicks.
-Or pornos.

950. There is no monster living in the console.

951. I am not allowed to nickname the console 'stupid b***'. The monster will get offended.

952. I should not teach the flowers gang handshakes.

953. 'Best 2 out of 3' does not apply to missions.

954. A rubber band and a paperclip is not an authorized PPC weapon.

955. THE REVOLUTION IS NOT NOW, goddamnit.

956. If I insult an agent in another language, the advantage is lost if they're wearing a translator.

957. I may not jury rig a portal jammer and deploy it in HQ, or anywhere else for that matter.

958. Making canon characters cry is not what I was hired for.

959. No, I cannot get a pay supplement for every time a Sue annoys me.

960. I am not a 'Ninja in Training', so hiding in the ceiling vents and jumping out at people is not allowed.

961. I am also not allowed to induce a panic attack in my partner by suggesting to her that perhaps there ARE no vents, and we should keep the door open to avoid suffocating to death.

962. The minis do not like tootsie rolls, which are bad for their health.

963. None of the vending machines are trying to kill me. Probably.

964. I am not allowed to play with liquid nitrogen.

965. I am not allowed to experiment with bleeprin and ethyl alcohol.

966. I am not allowed to make a molotov cocktail with a bottle of alcohol and some bleeprin, even if I think it has a hilarious similarity to the mentos and coke experiment.

967. I am not allowed to threaten suicide with pop rocks and coke, nor with mentos and coke.

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