Subject: Yay, my turn
Posted on: 2009-02-09 13:53:00 UTC

  1. Doctors Crell Moset, Demagol and Jenna Zan Arbor are never to be allowed to meet.
    -The same goes for any other doctors and scientists of their brand of cruelty.
    899. If anybody has wound up in the same room as Agent Cavan Shenn, I will not lock the door on them.
    -He can lock the door on his own, thanks all the same.
    -I'm not to lock anybody in with Luxury, either, even to keep her from chasing me.
    900. I will not engage in drinking contests with members of species that have more than one liver, unless I am similarly equipped.
    901. No matter how balloon-like that canon superheroine's chest is, pins will not make her deflate. I will not experiment in this matter.
    -It is acknowledged that attempting to deflate Sues may still be considered amusing.
    902. I am not the long-lost Hair Washing Servant of Severus Snape.
    903. Glitter is not a food condiment.
    904. Unless I have found a coherent and efficient alternate means of communication, I will refrain from taking vows of silence.
    -Interpretive dance does not count as an alternate means of communication.
    905. Unless there is actually a location requiring it, a ballerina costume is not a suitable disguise for my mission.
    906. No, I can't shave the Wookiee.
    907. I am not to steal Wash's dinosaurs.
    -If I do, I deserve whatever Zoe does to me.
    908. My partner's eyebrows are not challenging me to a duel.
    909. Most Agents from the Trekverse have already had the 'Sexy Data Tango' inflicted upon them. I will not force them to endure repeat hearings.
    -I will never, never, never play that song where Data, Tasha Yar or any other canon character can hear it.
    910. I am not a Barbie Girl, the PPC is not a Barbie World, and offers to 'undress me everywhere' will lead to no sympathy whatsoever if Lux hears me.
    911. Despite the name, it is still wrong to convince somebody to drink a Molotov Cocktail.
    -Unless they're a Sue.
    912. I am to accept that I deserve both the stab wounds and the long litany of similar canon names if I imply Agent Shadowflame's name resembles that of a Sue.
    -She has a long list from Star Wars history, and she's not afraid to use it.
    913. NO, the Naruto tailed beasts do not belong in a petting zoo.
    -Further inquiries will see you directed to FicPsych, in the worrying case that you're unable to see why this is a Very Bad Idea.
    914. Even if I'm sure I'd do a better job, I am expressly forbidden from staging coups, mutinies or other takeovers to replace a canon character in a position of authority.
    915. If I can't get the mission done without that inflatable barnyard animal, it's time I re-evaluated my grasp of PPC procedures.
    916. My fellow Agents are not there to be dissected.
    -Even if I've never seen their like before.
    -EvenEspecially if I have a 'really interesting scientific theory'.
    918. I will not pit conventional vampire slayers against unconventional vampires.
    -No. Buffy will not be fighting that Anzati. Ever.

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