Subject: Ansela and Risa
Posted on: 2009-01-31 22:22:00 UTC

"What did you press?" Risa muttered, knowing that his partner wasn't exactly listening to him at that time. "I told you to stay away from the console after last time."

"Didn't press nothing," Ansela grinned and stretched, ignoring the ripping sound as his clothes finally gave up on conforming to his new, larger body shape.

"You must have pressed something. People do not just change gender on a whim."

"Sure they do. I know this guy back in my home continuum who can change your gender if you give him enough money. Hell, sometimes he changes his own gender for shits and giggles."

"I take it you have availed yourself of his services in the past," Risa sighed as Ansela nodded eagerly, rubbing at his forehead to try and stave off the impending migraine. "And this would be why you are so unperturbed by this turn of events."

"Yup. I'm going to the cafeteria, see if there's anyone who knows what's going on," Ansela opened the door and grinned at Risa. "Want me to get you anything?"

"I would appreciate it if you would find some clothing that does not look like it will fall off as soon as you do so much as breath deeply."

Ansela nodded. "Will do."

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