Subject: Muaha. Think fast, Drake.
Posted on: 2009-01-31 18:32:00 UTC

Constance's eyes lit up, possibly because he was holding a burning sword in front of them. "Oh, let's," he said, gleefully.

Dafydd rolled her eyes. "All right, so it's tempting," she admitted. "But murder is rarely the answer, Connie. Unless the question is a 'Sue."

"She's kind of Sueish," Constance said reasonably. "I mean, talking animals are pretty unusual, right?"

"They were," Dafydd corrected. "We've been gone long enough that they might be common now." She glanced at the Agents referred to as Storm and Sky meaningfully.

"Nevertheless," Constance said, frowning, "I propose we kill her. Has it crossed your mind that this might have affected Hera and Ilwion?"

His spouse winced at the thought of genderbent fire lizards. "All right, I'm convinced," she said. "Murder it is."


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