Subject: Thanks
Posted on: 2009-01-07 21:52:00 UTC

You make a good point about the Sue and Stu labels being too widely applied. It doesn't sound like the Twilight books are ones that I'll ever really enjoy, though. I much prefer my romance to be secondary to another plot.

Interestingly enough, I noticed that that other fic by the same author, the Hermione/Eragon one, actually shows vestiges of what would be excellent characterization if it weren't for the fact that the character in question is Hermione. She sounds exactly like your average American teenager, her parents sound like parents, etc. The dad goes over the top, but that's not unheard of in real life. It's like she just took her own experiences and applied Hermione's name and appearance. Also, she clearly uses a spellchecker. She just doesn't know which words she actually wants. Very interesting.

I'm still going to PPC the story at some point, though. The spelling errors are just too funny to pass up.


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