Subject: I'm just mentally separating it from all actual vampires
Posted on: 2009-01-08 21:35:00 UTC

... er, vampire stories, that is. Really, from a biological perspective I like the idea that sunlight doesn't burn them, because that's a REALLY stupid evolutional adaptation to have, and historically I therefore see a need for there to be some other reason why they can't go out into sunlight, for which some sort of obviously inhuman characteristic makes sense... but SPARKLES?

Really, we could've dumped them in a barrel of glitter. Pfft.

Pads? I've an idea. let's figure out some better reason for inhuman immortal creatures (and we can just do away with the word "vampire", if your Transylvanian headdesking is too painful) to have to stay out of sunlight. Some other obvious trait other than SPARKLES. And Trojie can help with the biology.

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