Subject: A fewÂ…
Posted on: 2009-01-07 11:16:00 UTC

Skyfall's pretty cool. Fantasy, two races at almost permanent war, something up with the gods, six artifacts that're probably a key of some sort.

You may or may not've seen, but… Shades of Grey is pretty good, too. Heaven, Hell, a lot of mixup.

Mixed Myth is finished, but pretty awesome. People chase about parts of a dragon, one part tries to take over the world.

Sea of Insanity uses Greek mythology. Mainly follows a nymph who used to date Apollo, Calliope who does duty as her muse, her doctor who turns into a fish, and some guy.

And… it's not really a webcomic, as such, but I wouldn't be counting on seeing it on shelves too soon. Axis Powers Hetalia is worth a look, though your mileage may vary, given it portrays history (the main storyline following WWII) with anthropomorphized nations.

Johnny Walker is a kind of slice-of-life thing. The artist Aido has done some other pretty awesome stuff, and is currently subbing at Applegeeks, which also might be worth checking out.

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