Subject: Oooh! Webcomics!
Posted on: 2009-01-05 19:57:00 UTC

Dr. McNinja is a comic about the elder son of the ancient line of the McNinja, who has angered his family by becoming a doctor rather than a ninja, but he still kicks ass from time to time with Ninja Skillz. Excellent comic.

Giant In The Playground, on which Rich Burlew hosts Order of the Stick, an affectionate parody of D&D using stick figures, and Erfworld, a... well, it's an alternate world gaming comic set in a "Safe for Kids" turn-based-combat world. Both better than they sound?

Overcompensating, the Journal Comic with a Seething Disdain for Reality, by one of the coolest dudes in the universe ever, Jeffrey Rowland. It's awesome.
Wigu, also by Jeffrey Rowland, is about a young boy named Wigu Tinkle and his crazy family and crazier adventures.

Questionable Content, by Jeph Jacques, is about a guy named Marten, and his friend-who-lives-with-him-but-is-not-a-girlfriend Faye, and her boss and his girlfriend Dora. There are a lot of indie music references.

Sinfest, a comic about Slick the wannabe-pimp, Monique his love interest, and their friends. And various religious figures. Sometimes NSFW. Sometimes offensive, kinda. Very cool though.

Wondermark, which is hilarious witty captions applied to Victorian engravings.

Looking For Group, which is kind of a parody of all fantasy-world games, featuring the hilariously evilly violent Richard the Warlock.

Dinosaur Comics, which is dinosaurs talking, better than it sounds. Includes philosophy and crazy alternate universes. And Stomping.

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