Subject: I second The Order of the Stick.
Posted on: 2009-01-06 17:41:00 UTC

And here's a link for it. It's funnier if you play D&D or at least know some of the terminology.

I also enjoy the following:

Ctrl+Alt+Del (CAD) - Generally a good laugh, even if you're not a gamer (which I'm not).

DAR: A Super Girly Top Secret Comic Diary - Nothing like the title indicates. It's crude, lewd, and pulls no punches on things like lesbianism, nudity, sex, pimples, boogers, and other things normally not mentioned in polite conversation. Also totally awesome.

Looking for Group (LFG) - Funnier if you have at least a passing awareness of World of Warcraft.

Casey and Andy - Ended, so no new comics, but full of mad science and geek humor.

I think the rest of mine have been mentioned already.


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