Subject: *prepares links*
Posted on: 2008-12-29 21:57:00 UTC

Hi! Welcome!

Here's a link to the PPC Wiki, which has a lot of handy stuff and handy links on it. And some funny stuff on it. It's not quite as addicting or mindmelting as TV Tropes but we're trying to get there, even if we can't possibly get as big due to different targets.

I hope you read the Board Consitution through that link or the one up on top of the board. The FAQ for the Board is handy as well.

Keep the fact that you need to ask for
permission before you PPC anything in mind (since that way there's some general quality control over things).

Anyhow, welcome to the board, and enjoy your time here.

July, who is happy she got to link the Wiki for once

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