Subject: Very good points.
Posted on: 2008-12-03 16:20:00 UTC

While the Heroes of the story don't face many people on equal level with them when they are at full power, I have included ways that each of the 18 people can be weakened, reducing their power to half, or even a quarter, of what it should be. And since all the Chosen are humans, there are their normal weaknesses which can be taken advantage of.

The good guys lose quite frequently, now that I think of it. A large part of the story is dedicated to the efforts of Maleficent, controller of the Heartless, the bad guys, and her efforts to break up the group and control them, something she actually succeeds at.

And yes, these have also been included, things that can't be overcome. They can fix droughts, but they can't fix / manipulate death, emotions and, for the most part, free will. And to a certain extent, they can't even control their powers. On confrontation with Dementors in the Harry Potter world, their powers work automatically, regardless of the person's choice.

And the balance is something I've been trying to figure out for a while too. The basic idea was to simply do the pair off thing, one evil guy for each good guy, but it felt too cliche. Their powers themselves weren't actually given to stop evil and dark powers, but rather to prevent the Universe returning to Nothing. Each of the 18 can be used as a Key to the Door to the Light, aka, Kingdom hearts, which acts as the Reset Button for the Universe, restoring areas which have been lost to the nothingness, and bringing back the people lost to the Nothingness as well. The 18 stand to represent Creation, to go against Nothing.

If it feels like I shot down each of your ideas, I hope I didn't. This actually really helped me realise how much planning I've put into it, which seems to be a lot more thorough than I thought. And you've really helped me define the limits too. Thanks Techno!

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