Subject: (Tamora Pierce fans, take a gander in here)
Posted on: 2008-12-03 16:09:00 UTC

The lesser wizards / mages in fits will actually happen. Since it is a crossover, it includes the world of Emelan, found in Tamora Pierce's 'Circle of Magic' series. Magical rules in that world specifically state that messing with nature will rebound upon the user eventually, often killing them in the process.
In the world of Emelan, there is a woman called Sandrilene fa Toren, who, as well as being one of these 18 people, has the power to manipulate magic with her own, natural power. In the end, she combines the main 10 people that the story centres around, giving them the powers and abilities of the others. The sheer level of power they now wield essentially corrupts them, and they begin acting like vengeful gods, reworking the face of the planet to suit their personality, and dividing the world into territories. The things that the 10 do before they are combined are enough to make the average mage on that world twitch, but what happens afterwards would be nothing short of a miracle, even though the 10 become corrupted and ignore the reason why they have these powers in the first place.

And that is a good possibility. I'll take a think about that.
And I usually follow that pattern too, giving people awesome powers and making them useless. I sorta came to the realisation that these are epically powerful people, so stupid sorta has to be removed from the equation.

And that would be great Makari. I hadn't even remembered about those until you mentioned them. Like I said before, feel free to go through and do them whenever you'd like.

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