Subject: First P-90
Posted on: 2008-11-09 23:18:00 UTC

Here, have it. It's good for killing Sues and other threats, but please remember that deadly weapons are not to be pointed at allies or canons.

If you haven't visited the Wiki, then it would be informative for you to do so. The Original Series (not to be confused with Star Trek) is also recommended reading. Do it, or hS will set Kaitlyn on you.

If someone gives you a link to a Legendary Badfic (and they shouldn't, because it is generally a Very Bad Idea), do not follow it. They are brain-breaking, mostly NSFW and certain ones will instil such random psychoses as the fear of the word lav- *is muffled by nearby Boarder* Even the summaries can be brain-breaking.

Legendary Goodfic on the other hand, should be read and enjoyed by all.

Welcome, enjoy your stay and check your sanity at the door. You won't need such a thing here.

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