Subject: Oi, cut it out. Please.
Posted on: 2008-10-26 06:07:00 UTC

Laburnum, I'm glad you're feeling confident in the whole 'oh look I can get actual help from the authorities for this!' but we really don't need to let this get out of control.

And Fichunter, maybe the PPC isn't the best environment for you on the net. There's obviously a large personality clash here going on which ain't being helped by your total disregard for the Rules of the Board and your total lack of respect for others here. This isn't 4han, so stop treating it like every rule of the internet applies here. Like I said, if you can't go along with the rules of the game here, GTFO.

Stick to /b/ and /v/ maybe, since anon definitely goes better with your personality type.

That said, I am so not impressed by some of the replies here. Like Neshomeh said, let's keep it cool, yeah?

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