Subject: I have to agree. This is supposed to be a pleasant place.
Posted on: 2008-10-24 22:30:00 UTC

We don't all have to agree, but there's no call to be rude about it, much less nasty. And that's not just a courtesy; it's in the Board Constitution - first rule, in fact.

If you have good reason for what you say, then say it, in full, without insulting anyone. Copious use of the phrases "I think" and "my opinion" would help. I cannot imagine why you don't sympathise with Laburnum on this matter, but I want to understand people, so if there's a reason, I'm willing to listen. If it's sensible.

If not, don't say anything at all. In case you haven't noticed, people around here tend to stick together; if you insist on setting yourself apart, you're not unlikely to end up with most of the Board against you, and no one wants that to happen.

Please. No one's demanding an apology or banning your opinions, but a potentially rude one-line post on a fairly sensitive subject is just a bad idea.

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