Subject: I'm up for anything that involves a lot of BLOOD.
Posted on: 2008-10-02 04:05:00 UTC

Chainsaw, perhaps - thoguh we'd have to drag her back through the door and into modern London to achieve it.

As for creativity... well, she stole a dance with Darcy, which is a heinous crime on its own - how about being Danced to Death? We could chain or her hands and feet - or enchant her limbs - so that she's dragged around a dance floor by some sort of robot (maybe with "Darcy" written on its face) faster and faster until she's torn apart by the centrifugal forces. Or, if anyone knows Sara Douglass' Axis books, we could force her to dance the actual Dance of Death...

Hmm... must think. We shold start a sub-thread soley for death suggestions. (... well, actually, it looks like this IS one already.)

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