Subject: Nor is it satirical
Posted on: 2008-09-30 19:23:00 UTC

Quite frankly, I don't understand the point of that fanfic at all. I had the joy of writing a ten-page research paper on P&P for a class last semester, analyzing what I felt the author was trying to accomplish, and LiA threw it all out the window. It's not even badslash or wish fulfillment, near as I can tell-unless the fanfic author knew nothing of the time period, living in nineteenth century England would not be remotely considered wish fulfillment.

I confess that I'm not as inclined towards violence as some of y'all with this one-it's really not worthy of any animosity from me. It has no redeeming values, but no especially damning traits either, beyond the usual laundry list of canon rape, character derailment, etc.

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