Subject: Ummm...not really.
Posted on: 2008-09-17 06:05:00 UTC

I'm not a prolific fanfic writer by any stretch of the imagination, and I'm not a prolific fanfic reader either. I tend to write personal OC projects and plays and stuff (which I have about ten going right now), so I'm stuck more in a male-dominated domain of OC writing, particularly in the genres I write in (noir, drama, thriller etc.). But if anything makes me aware of the gender difference, it's the slash and Suefics. There's something odd about going to look at fanfic for any given canon (say, for example, Heroes, which logically would have more male viewers), and seeing 90% of the fics being self-inserts or Sues (including one named after that bloody Twilight canon Sue) trying to get their rocks off with the main character (say, for example, Peter Petrelli). It's an odd experience, but not one I'm crazy angry about or care about a lot.

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