Subject: Well...
Posted on: 2008-09-10 17:01:00 UTC

I don:t know about other guys, but my main view at it is preference. My favourite published author is a woman, Mercedes Lackey. (I know the hissing starts now) but I like the way that she writes. That doesn:t mean that all of her work is really good, or even mediocre, but her gems outway the busts in my opinion.

This has bering on my view of fanfiction. Because I have read books by both male and female authors, reading the fanfiction of the opposing gender is interesting. LotR is a prime example. Unfortunatly, the majority of the fanfiction is about a mary sue falling into middle earth, which is interesting because there are increadibly few actual relationships in the serise. There is a fundamental shift in the point of view.

While I am not saying that men don:t write relationship stories, it is just that there is less emphasis on the relationship aspect of the story unless it is key to the plot (Terry Pratchett "Wintersmith" or Terry Brooks Shannara serise (a couple of them)).

To answer the question: No, I personally don:t feal set apart because the fics are something that I would have never conciders (I am only counting well writen ones in this category) Which I hope is the same for the reverse.


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