Subject: Here, have a ...
Posted on: 2008-08-16 18:01:00 UTC

I've been trying to decide what to give new recruits.

A proctoscope, maybe? Handy for finding suethors' heads. Or maybe a pirate's peg leg? Great for cracking PotC Sues over the head. A panther? Naw, it would probably eat your plover. A pencil sharpener? Useful for those Agents who always seem to have dull pencils when they're writing up their charge sheets.

Ah, I know! A petard!

Yes, that's what I shall give out: a petard, so that if Sues (or their authors) can't be hoist by their own petard, at least they can be hoist by yours. Take all usual precautions for handling explosive devices, of course.

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